Pediatric Eye Care

Your Children and Their Eyes

By deepanshu sharma
October 15, 2021

If you have young children, it seems you’re always worrying about something. When do I need to get immunizations? Are they developing appropriately to their age? What’s up with those friends? It’s a veritable worryfest at times. Eye care is kind of a fuzzy area. If it seems your child sees just fine, many parents...  read more

Eat Right for Your Eyes

By deepanshu sharma
September 15, 2020

There is one universal truth of every American Mom detailing a certain food and the eyesight of her children. There you were pushing your mushy carrots around your plate trying to stall enough to not have to eat them. To which your mom said, “You better eat those carrots, or your eyes will be like...  read more

Perk Up: How to Get Your Little One Excited About Glasses

By deepanshu sharma
December 15, 2016

Finding out that you need to wear eyeglasses as an adult can be a bummer, but as a child, it can sometimes feel devastating. Not only can some kids find glasses to be uncomfortable but they may feel like they get in the way of their ability to play. However, with the advancement in eyeglass...  read more

Infant Eye Care: What Are Blocked Tear Ducts

By deepanshu sharma
August 15, 2016

Being a parent to a newborn baby is both exciting and nerve-wracking. At every cough or jolt, your anxieties can get the best of you because you just want to make sure your baby is healthy, happy, and comfortable. As a fairly common condition that can inflict newborn babies clogged tear ducts can cause their...  read more

How to Prepare Your Child for An Eye Exam

By deepanshu sharma
June 30, 2016

Getting your toddler to sit still to go to the bathroom can seem like a full-time job within itself, but getting them to hold still for an eye exam can seem impossible. If you have noticed that your little one is complaining of constant headaches or if they squint when they are watching TV or...  read more