February, 2023

Pink Eye: Should I See an Eye Doctor?

By deepanshu sharma
February 15, 2023

Have you ever woken up with itchy, red eyes that won't disappear? The discomfort and frustration are all too familiar for those who have experienced pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis. That nagging eye condition strikes at the most inconvenient times, like the day before a big meeting or a family vacation. But don't let...  read more

How To Make The Most Of AMD/Low Vision Awareness Month

By deepanshu sharma
February 14, 2023
Woman squinting and holding phone far from eyes

In the United States, AMD/Low Vision Awareness Month takes place every February. The purpose of this month is to bring awareness to age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and other forms of low vision. Adults over 50 are most likely to develop AMD. It is a degenerative eye disease that causes central vision loss. AMD lacks a...  read more