March, 2017

The Sun, the Sand, the Pterygium

By deepanshu sharma
March 15, 2017

People who spend a lot of time outdoors, especially on Lake Michigan and its beaches, can sometimes develop an eye condition known as pterygium. It involves the growth of pink, fleshy tissue on the conjunctiva (white part of the eye), usually on the side of the nose. The cause of pterygium isn’t fully understood, but...  read more

What is Glaucoma?

By deepanshu sharma
March 15, 2017

Every time you come in for a regular eye exam at Millennium Park Eye Center we perform a glaucoma test. You know the one — we deliver a puff of air onto your eye to measure the eye’s resistance to the air. This tells us the intraocular pressure within your eye. If the pressure is...  read more