June, 2016

How to Prepare Your Child for An Eye Exam

By deepanshu sharma
June 30, 2016

Getting your toddler to sit still to go to the bathroom can seem like a full-time job within itself, but getting them to hold still for an eye exam can seem impossible. If you have noticed that your little one is complaining of constant headaches or if they squint when they are watching TV or...  read more

How to Get Rid of the Droop: The Truth Behind Blepharoptosis

By deepanshu sharma
June 15, 2016

Botox has gained popularity amongst both men and women for its ability to temporarily get rid of sagging skin, and fine lines and wrinkles. As an unfortunate part of the aging process, the skin all around your face and body starts to lose collagen and elasticity. If you have started to notice that the skin...  read more