January, 2016

The Truth Behind Glaucoma Part 2: How Is Glaucoma Caused?

By deepanshu sharma
January 30, 2016

In part one of our three-part blog series, we discussed the three prominent kinds of glaucoma including open-angle glaucoma, normal tension glaucoma, angle closure glaucoma. Now that we are familiar with the different types of glaucoma, it’s important to know how it is caused. Genetics, fluid buildup, and pressure in the eyes are all contributory...  read more

The Truth Behind Glaucoma Part 1: The 3 Different Types of Glaucoma

By deepanshu sharma
January 15, 2016

Nothing can be quite as complicated as your health. And as one of the most complex parts of your body, your eyes are equally as complicated. Glaucoma is an eye disease that can damage your optic nerve which can ultimately lead to permanent eye damage. And as one of the largest contributors to blindness among...  read more