Eye Care

Eye Makeup Safety Tips

By deepanshu sharma
September 15, 2016

Eye makeup can enhance your eyes and make them pop— bringing you from drab to fab. However, if you aren’t using the proper hygiene, then you can develop a bacterial eye infection that can spread to both eyes. From switching out your mascara every couple of months to cleaning your eye makeup brushes, this article...  read more

Win Everytime By Wearing the Proper Protective Eyewear

By deepanshu sharma
August 30, 2016

You would look utterly ridiculous if you went for a jog wearing protective eyewear or elbow pads. However, there are some contact sports where you would look equally as ridiculous if you showed up without protective eyewear. From racquetball to swimming, this article will discuss a few popular sports where wearing protective eyewear is an...  read more

How to Properly Remove Dirt From Your Eye

By deepanshu sharma
May 15, 2016

We’ve all experienced that burning sensation that comes with dirt or dust getting into your eye. And although your initial instinct is to rub your eye to get the dirt out of it, this could potentially scratch your cornea or cause bacteria to spread throughout. By either flushing your eye out with water or using...  read more