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The 411 Behind Pink Eye

By Millennium Park Eye Center
September 15, 2015

Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, is an eye infection that can be caused by allergies, a virus, bacteria, or overly dry eyes. Notorious for how contagious it is, if you think either you or a loved one have it, stay home and contact Millennium Park Eye Center right away. What Are the Symptoms? Most commonly, people...  read more

The Truth Behind Cataracts

By Millennium Park Eye Center
August 15, 2015

Have you ever looked at a cat or dog and noticed that their eyes look clouded over? If so, then you know what cataracts look like. And although cataracts can inflict animals, did you know that they are also the number one cause of blindness in people over the age of 40? By understanding what...  read more